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Cedar Lake Association

Rice County Mn

Nov 1 - Attend CRWJPO Board Meeting

Did you know there is a roadmap and organization dedicated to improving water quality in our area? Cannon River Watershed Joint Powers Organization was created in 2020 to serve the goal of implementing the Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan that was created in 2016. The plan is a document developed with stakeholders across the watershed, and will provide a road map for implementing conservation practices to meet water quality and natural resource management goals for the Cannon River. There are many lakes and streams that are within the boundaries of the watershed.

The quarterly meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from 9:00-10:30 am in the Straight River Room at the Rice County Fairgrounds, 1900 Fairground Drive in Faribault.

Facebook Event - CRWJPO Board Meeting

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