During the 2023 – 2024 winter season at Cedar Lake, the water level, ice cover, and snow cover was ideal for vegetation growth in the lake. The early growth of Curly-leaf pondweed is a direct result of these contributing factors.
As noted by the following news and scientific articles, Cedar Lake is not alone in the abundance of AIS levels and spread in our lake this year.
It’s the snow cover, not the ice, that matters to the invasive plant. “Essentially, if the light is getting through the ice, the curly-leaf doesn’t really care whether or not there’s ice. It’s a plant that's well adapted to grow in cold conditions under the ice.” Verhoeven said. See full article from MPR News: Lack of snow could spur growth of Minnesota lake invader
Another valuable source of information related to AIS: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC)

The AIS treatment on Cedar Lake in 2024:
AIS treatment was conducted on 5/1/2024 by Cory Culbert of Lakescape Enterprises, LLC
The map for 2023 and 2024 shows the treatment areas which are represented by letters (A through D)
On May 1, 2024, Sections A & B were treated between 7:15 – 8:10am and Sections C & D were treated between 6:10 am – 7:15 am.
The temperature of the water on 5/1/24 was: 49 to 50 degrees
The wind speed 10 – 15 mph and increased throughout the day
The official report that is presented to the MN DNR is attached.
Question raised during annual meeting:
We didn’t see any markers on West Cedar after the treatment, are we sure the area was treated?
There were issues with the applicator’s equipment when placing the final buoys in sections A & B and as a result some of the buoys were not placed or were detached from their anchors by the wind.
As a standard process, a CLA board member oversees the AIS treatment process by observation in a separate boat nearby the applicator during the AIS treatment process.
If you would like to be involved in this process, please contact the CLA board at info@cedarlakeassociation.org and provide your contact information. You can also submit a form on our web site and express interest.